153 Mississippi Parkway Canton, MS 39046

Six Sigma is a highly disciplined methodology that focuses on developing and delivering near perfect products and services focused on achieving breakthrough increases in profitability and quality. MSU's CAVS Extension has a strong track record in delivering results for a variety of organizations. The program includes teaching workshops and coaching projects − often focused on assisting participants in achieving Green Belt and Black Belt Certifications. Also, related short courses on specific Six Sigma topics like Design of Experiments, Statistical Process Control, and Measurement Systems Analysis have been very popular. Projects from these certification workshops and short courses have resulted in projects with several million dollars in cost savings.
These Six Sigma workshops and related short courses have been developed and taught across a 10 year period. As a result over 150 engineers, managers, and technical professionals from over 40 different companies have completed our program.
Please call Adam Collins at (601) 407-2770 for additional information.