153 Mississippi Parkway Canton, MS 39046

S.T.E.P. - Robotics is a collaborative effort among Nissan North America, Inc, Mississippi State University's (MSU's) CAVS Extension (CAVSE), the Mississippi Department of Education's (MDE's) Offices of Vocational Education and Workforce Development and the following four Mississippi school districts: Madison County, Canton Public, Leake County, and Jackson Public schools. The program is designed to introduce the students and instructors from the school districts to the latest Technology Applications used at Nissan's manufacturing facility in Canton, MS. The two components of the program are: Robotics and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The students complete a minimum of 54 contact hours throughout the school year including completion of a final project to demonstrate their comprehension and application of these technologies.
CAVSE also hosts a semi-annual meeting with school administrators to provide updates and progress of the program. The administrators use this time to update and finalize the results of the previous year and to make recommended changes to the upcoming year's events. Nissan hosts the instructor's training, student computer classroom, robotics lab, Nissan plant tour, robotics competition and awards ceremony. MDE supports the program with resources and equipment. The school districts support the Technology Applications instructors and students with transportation and equipment. CAVSE manages the overall program and provides the liaison between the educational and manufacturing organizations.
This program also includes industry sponsored scholarships and matching funds by district with MDE support for objective qualifications of winners by industry leaders.
Please contact Tonya McCall at (601) 407-2767 if you like to learn more about the STEP Program.