Four students recently earned Six Sigma Certification through a course offered by CAVS-Extension. Both Green Belt and Black Belt courses are offered and teach participants how to maximize and sustain business success by reducing the cost of quality, increasing process efficiency, and providing a structure for continuous improvement. Six Sigma can be applied to almost any industry and is a highly disciplined process that helps companies focus on continuously improving customer satisfaction and profits.
CAVS-E's Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt Certifications consist of 11 days of scheduled training during a five-month period. Each participant is required to implement techniques and tools on an approved project and receives consulting support to assist with the successful completion of their project.
In one class project to repurpose a robotic operation to prepare nozzles for a manufacturing process, Product Engineer Mike Ford of PG Technologies in Ellisville said, "With the use of Six Sigma methodology, I was able to remove the bottlenecked process by improving process time on the robot, while at the same time improving the capability, ergonomics, and safety, making it possible to accommodate a production volume increase of 240 to 960 nozzles per month. The project will net the company a $112K annual savings and has opened the door to shift more parts to this process, thus showing additional savings with every part transfer in the future."
Six Sigma certification is given a "Belt" title that corresponds to the participant's level of experience and depth of study. CAVS-E participants can earn either a Green Belt or a Black Belt. The Green Belt receives instruction in the basic use of statistical data analysis, with an emphasis on team problem-solving techniques. Black Belts should be able to lead a team and are knowledgeable of the use of more advanced statistical data analysis, designed experiments, and project management.
To register for CAVS-E Six Sigma Green and Black Belt Certification courses, or to review other courses offered, visit